May 28Liked by Carla

There is a mantra, "I am exactly where I need to be." The perspective is a reminder to be mindful and present...my 40's brought a comfort and peace my 20's and 30's didn't have. Now nearing 60 I am so grateful for the years that brought me here. Releasing past programming and even some traditions; being grateful for the good, the bad, and the ugly...Carla, your piece was so beautifully written. Great questions...the answers? They are within you.

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Thank you so much! "I am exactly where I need to be" I often remind myself of this, I know this and yet I'm still working on settling into the Knowing that I am me now. I've heard that so much about each decade. I feel like each year of my 30s so far I have been sinking deeper into real discovery of who I am. About to turn 34 and it feels different than ever. Thank you so much for commenting!

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Sooooooooooo many incredible ideas and words in this one! Thank you for writing this piece. I feel like these days, I’m on the edge of tomorrow and my future but I have to Be where I am, and enjoy that, too

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Oh my goodness thank you so much! It's absolutely my pleasure, I love that you resonated with it. And oh girl, I totally feel that. It's a weird edge to be on. It's like a wobble between being where you are and leaning into the expansion of tomorrow.

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