Blown away. I am blown away by your internal reflection. By your outwardly willingness to overcome a challenging pattern that sits in your nervous system. By your desire for more. By your curiosity about what’s on the other side of holding back.

I am blown away. Go get the world Carla! It’s yours. All yours.

Also I wanted to add that your words remind me of an emotion that sits inside me, which doesn’t make sense: I don’t like people seeing me when I’m truly, soul deep happy. I hide my big, bright smile from family. I’m good with strangers. I think it comes from my mom making a big deal of my happiness, and she was flaunt it as her own. I hated that. I still do. Showing my happiness to someone I know it hard, especially when I know that they will take that energy for themselves (some unknowingly, I can feel when they do). I deeply love the people I feel safe enough to share my happiness with. There’s a few these days. It’s something I’m working on too. Not holding back.

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I've been thinking about how to reply for a few days. First off, thank you, Thank you, thank you, thank you! I feel so very seen by you, and that means the world to me.

There has to be more, right? There gets to be more! It's yours too, Danielle!

Wow, thank you for feeling like you could share these emotions and thougths with me. I can understand that, how holding back serves you. It makes my heart so happy that you do have people who make you feel safe enought to share your happiness with. It matters. I'm glad that you're working on holding back less. From what I have read of yours, and felt of your energy, I feel like the right people deserve to feel what you have to offer!

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Aw thank you Carla so much! In the last two years I’ve especially been through a lot, and I love witnessing others going through a lot because those fighting feelings are the change that will move you, and the collective energy, forward instead of staying stuck. I mean, my life’s not NOT challenging right now, but it’s a different kind of challenge. I have my foundation now, which I rebirthed last year. It’s honestly fun even though you are tired.

Thanks for your encouraging words. First and foremost, I love my own energy and I love sharing that with people because I love being held and inspired by it too. The cool thing about my writing is that I get uplifted by it too, it’s not just for others to read. My words are mostly for me, and then others get to read and get inspired from their energy too ✨

Wishing you the best changes for the rest of this year!!

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You are so welcome! I completely understand. I have also been through my fair share over the last few years. I agree about the fighting feelings, however, for me, I think I have started to move, and grown in little ways, but not let myself go all in on the change that moves me forward to where I really want to go. And it's really fucking time. Excuse my french lol. IT feels necessary. I'm super proud of you for rebirthing that new foundation. I do understand what you mean by fun.

I'm so glad you love your own energy, and that you share it with people! That's exactly how I feel about my writing right now too. I think right now my writing is so much more about showing up for myself, and expressing myself in whatever weird, wild and messy ways that may be. AND then, I get to inspire people, and hopefully find people that can relate. Keep writing, becuase I am definitely inspired by your energy. Sending all the love!

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Love received. Thank you so much Carla! I am so excited for your writing and storytelling, and mine as well. We’re moving mountains over here 🏔️ keep it wild!

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