Yes Carla! We’re prepared for the worst but are we prepared for the best? I know I’m not. I’m working on it though.

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The hardest, but most rewarding mindset shift I've made was focusing on the "what if everything works out" instead of "what if it doesn't?" Our brains condition us to think negatively in order to feel safe, but then we keep ourselves from explore new avenues that life has to offer.

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Thank you for keeping the conversation going!

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I totally agree with this. Though, I feel like that's where so much of my fear lies. I think I'm learning how to get comfortable with that energy of what if it does work out!

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Wonderful insight! I do believe it’s often the fear of success that is scarier for us… because, well, who are we to deserve that?! 😉

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Exactly! Even though, we absolutely do deserve it! We just have to learn how to believe it! I think it also has to do with the idea that when we are successfull, how do our people fit into lives? How does everything change? And even, can we hold it all?

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Yes! Especially the part about “how do people fit into our lives”… the fear of losing connections with those who may no longer fit into the “new you”.

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Yep! That's a big one for me.

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Thank you for sharing! I so appreciate you!

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